Helping you find confidence in how you show up in the world
Heal your past.
Ditch anxiety.
Find Joy.
If you feel like your life is inhibited by your past in any way, this is the right place for you.
Every day I am reminded that crappy things happen to good people and we have absolutely no control over it. It sucks. And it is not fair.
I believe trauma is likely the underlying reason you are seeking therapy today. It is at the root of many presenting issues and disorders, including anxiety.
What Is Trauma?
TRAUMA is any threat to our system that we were not prepared or equipped to handle. It could be anything that left us feeling blind-sided, out of control, powerless, helpless, uncomfortable, or unsafe (emotionally or physically).
The spectrum of trauma is bigger than most people realize. In fact, everyone has experienced trauma, whether they know it or not. And every kind of trauma matters and warrants care, even if it doesn’t “seem” serious.
In order to stop your negative patterns from repeating, you have to heal the source, or the trauma.
Healing the source is key…Would you rather put a band-aid over an infected wound and call it a day, or use an antibiotic to clear the infection, or root cause, so you don’t require a bigger bandage down the road?
Examples of Traumatic Events…
…a toxic relationship; an uncomfortable work environment; mean, neglectful or abusive parents; car accidents; medical complications; divorce; family issues; loss of a friendships; incidents of threat; exposure to, fear or victim of violence; bullying; racism; pandemics; death of a loved one; sexual violations; scary events; sudden unexpected shifts in any area of life …and the list goes on and on and on.
Types of Trauma Treated by Karen Weiman:
(Click for more information)
Shock Trauma & PTSD
Childhood Trauma
Sexual Trauma
Birth Trauma
Anxiety & People-Pleasing
From A Trauma-Informed Lens…
I know there is more to the equation than your presenting symptoms.
How you present to therapy is only an aftermath of your past.
Fortunately, in the same way that a cut heals when it is properly treated, we are designed to heal from our trauma.
Sometimes this requires the right support and care.
And this is where I can come into your story. Or someone else who is a good fit.
I believe that for this counseling stuff to work, it is important you find a therapist who you feel is a good match.
Whether it is me or someone else who is trauma-informed, I am hopeful you will feel better once you start therapy.
The relief I see on a daily basis is astounding. I wish that relief for you as well.
I will help you increase your awareness and move forward. You will figure out what you most want for yourself and what is getting in the way of what you want. With the use of NARM and EMDR therapies, you will work on “rewiring” your brain to heal your deep wounds to find inner calm. In doing this, you will eliminate negative patterns, have healthy relationships, and feel peace again.
Life Is Too Short
Don’t waste it being unhappy, miserable, or stuck.
What are you waiting for?
If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work, please be in touch.
My Services
I offer traditional, online, individual therapy.
I also offer Therapy Intensives for those wanting to work through things in an accelerated fashion, or in a concentrated amount of time in order to be able to move forward with their lives more quickly.
Intensives are not for all clients, so I also offer a lower fee for more traditional weekly treatment.
Skip the traffic. Stay home. Cozy attire Welcome. On your lunch-break or in your car.